Assertive Community Treatment Team
(ACTT Services)

Providing High Intensity Behavioral Health Services Throughout North Carolina

Our Assertive Community Treatment Teams (ACTT) provide a “hospital without walls” program that brings high intensity behavioral health services into the community to serve people who may not have access to the care they need.

ACTT is a comprehensive team of professionals from many disciplines that provide tailored services to meet the client’s mental health, substance use, vocational and housing needs.  ACTT improves outcomes for people with severe mental illness who are most at risk of psychiatric crisis and/or affected by other social determinants of health.

Our ACTT teams include:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Physician assistant
  • Nursing staff
  • Licensed team leaders
  • Substance use clinician(s)
  • Licensed therapists
  • Vocational and housing specialists
  • Additional case managers

Support is provided around symptom management, independent living, competitive employment and housing support, as well as recovery from substance use and mental illness.

Counties We Serve

ACTT services are provided mainly in the community, not at an October Road facility.  Our teams operate out of several regional offices, providing services to clients in specific counties.

Providing Care to Those Who Need it Most

ACTT provides treatment and care to patients who may not have access to these important services otherwise. The patients they help have some of the highest risks for hospitalization, homelessness, or incarceration.

Patients who can benefit from ACTT include those who:

  • Have needed to visit the hospital for their addiction or at risk of hospitalization
  • Have been arrested due to their behavioral health issues or at risk of incarceration
  • Are in financial difficulty
  • Are having trouble with medication
  • Have an existing medical condition that makes their addiction or behavioral health disorder worse
  • Have auditory or visual hallucinations
  • Do not have a support system at home or through friends